
  • Raspberry Pi 400 kits

    Raspberry Pi 400 kits are now available. Pretty cool! https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-400/

  • Your good password is bad

    Even if you think you have a “good” password, you should still be using MFA, folks. Use MFA everywhere you can. “President Trump’s Twitter accessed by security expert who guessed password ‘maga2020!’” https://techcrunch.com/2020/10/22/dutch-hacker-trump-twitter-account-password/

  • DOJ wants encryption backdoors

    DOJ formalizes request for encryption back-doors http://web.archive.org/web/20201012231020/https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/12/doj-formalizes-request-for-encryption-back-doors #privacy #surveillance

  • Big Tech Censoring

    Maybe Big Tech is trying to say something like: “Science! Science! We already have the science we want and don’t need more science!” https://www.aier.org/article/reddits-censorship-of-the-great-barrington-declaration/

  • EARN IT threatens free speech

    I get really tired of the “It’s for the children!” type bills when they do very little to actually help the children. EARN IT is such a bill. It doesn’t really help protect children but it does open the door for our privacy to be violated through backdoors. These backdoors...